Cart performance
With this merge, Vali fixed a server performance issue related to the number of products in the cart: the more products in the cart, the more MySQL requests in the server. He also improved cart performance in Magento 2.3.
Reviews GraphQL
This PR has brought Vali a special achievement and a complex award from Magento admins.
With this pull, regarding Product Reviews, Product Ratings and Reviews in Magento, Vali closed another PR, related to “Product Reviews”. He identified several errors and proposed some core changes to Magento meant to allow users to use the same Review object for both Customer Account Reviews and Product Page.
Reviews API
This Pull Request is about service contracts for product reviews.
Currently, defined services are implemented similar to MSI implementation and allow bulk operations.
The difference in Valentine’s implementation is that the service returns a response object that contains success, failed, retryable object and errors associated with failed or retryable objects. With this pull request, he has proposed several updates, actions and modifications to improve Product Reviews Module.
Reviews GraphQl schema update
Valentin has proposed several actions and changes to fix some issues regarding product reviews GraphQL Schema, consisting of the following: the inability to sort reviews by other fields, reviews queries do not return total reviews, missing rating percent from review ratings and others.
Elastic Search Indexation
This Pull Request, related to Elastic Search Indexation, is intended to fix indexing issue for zero value attribute options, including Boolean attributes, allowing zero values options indexation. He has proposed several changes to fix the problems identified.