Team activities
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!
Life at Innobyte
We’re working to make Innobyte a challenging, friendly and fun place, where our colleagues feel appreciated, connected and motivated to achieve greatness together.
Whoever says you can’t mix business with pleasure is doing it wrong!
We’re not just workmates, but a small community of smart and dynamic fellows. During the working hours, we dedicate ourselves 100% to developing projects. Well, when it comes to our free time, things are a little bit different.
We genuinely enjoy spending time together, so we came up with some team activities to spice up the atmosphere.

Work together. Grow together. Have fun together
From the most creative team buildings to the best pool parties, at Innobyte, having fun with our teammates is everything!
Team Building

INNOBYTE was founded in July 2006, so every year we take a few days off in July to celebrate our anniversary. We call it a team-building, but it’s more like an opportunity to prove ourselves, once again, that we are strong, responsible grown-ups who don’t drink or eat too much, or hmm…party too hard 🙂
InnoPool Parties

A party is always cooler if you add a splash to it! If you think we’re only great at coding, you should see our swimming skills! During summers, if you don’t find us on ice-cream breaks at the office, then we’re probably at the pool, throwing a monster-party with the entire team. Can you think of a better way to spend the summer?

Sharing the know-how is food for the soul. It’s been over 5 years since we launched InnoTalks – a series of presentations held by our team members. We use our experience and knowledge to learn from one another. The talks cover different topics, from web development to QA, latest technologies, PM and more.

It’s like MasterChef, only way more fun. Once a year, on Friday, our colleagues with special cooking skills surprise us with some delicious meals and desserts. Whatever they prepare in the evening is ours to devour the next day. We get two hours to taste and vote each dish and in the end…the winner takes it all!

Join our team of eCommerce experts!
We love to surround ourselves with the right people and work hard to get from where we are to where we want to be. Do you want to be a part of our team?