Strategic partnerships
We put our technical expertise at the service of some of the hottest start-ups, to develop the right software solutions for their worldwide clients

Chargetrip is accelerating the advent of sustainable transportation by developing the missing tools that help people and businesses switch to electric mobility. Chargetrip was founded by experienced entrepreneurs from Norway, Switzerland, and The Netherlands. Building on a long history of developing and commercializing navigation technology, they set out to create a next-generation routing engine for Electric Mobility.
Chargetrip’s Clients include: Porsche, Vector, Elbil

Norsk elbilforening & Chargetrip
Mobile app development – ElbilAppen, Maintenance & Support

Porsche & Chargetrip
Proof of concept creation,
Mobile App Development

Vector & Chargetrip
Mobile App Development

Cloud Connection
Meet Coud Connection. When Technology meets Communication and Design, innovation is not a coincidence. Cloud Connection connects creative minds with lateral thinkers and pioneers. They are specialized in design, digital technology, branding, content production and more. Together they develop national and international projects on e-commerce, branding, content production and many others fields.

Front End Development , Project Management, Consultancy, Quality assurance

Web & Mobile Development, Consultancy, Technical Support, Project Management, Quality Assurance

Performance Audit, Overall performance condition and encountered problems, Performance improvements suggestions