The Official PayU Pro and PayU Lite Magento Extensions
By PayU and Innobyte

Client's needs
As a result of our partnership with PayU Romania, we have developed two Magento extensions: The Official PayU Lite Magento Extension, a free extension for online payments on shops, and for more advanced needs, our developers have worked on developing The Official PayU Pro Magento Extension.
Industry: eCommerce
Magento eCommerce services
Custom eCommerce
Technical Support
Both extensions are certified as PayU’s official Magento extensions and their functionalities are available for all companies that use PayU’s services in Romania. They keep their privacy and allow a secure online payment.
PayU Pro Magento Extension
PayU Pro is designed to cover a more extended area of needs. It supports online payments made by debit cards, credit cards (Mastercard, JCB, Diners Club, Zebra Pay), online instalments (BRDFinance, StarBT, CardAvantaj) and online banking (BCR Click24, BT24, ING Home Bank online transfers).
Take a look at the top features that come with Pro Magento extension:
- It’s an official PayU extension;
- It supports the authorization and capture of the payment;
- It supports the refunding of the payment (full or partial);
- It supports the voiding of a payment;
- It enables payment in the currency set on your e-shop;
- It allows you to enable/ disable PayU – Credit cards (Pro version) payment method;
- It allows you to enable/ disable PayU – ZebraPay (Pro version) payment method;
- It allows you to enable/ disable PayU – Installments (Pro version) payment method;
- It allows you to enable/ disable PayU – OnlineBanking [iTransfer] (Pro version) payment method;
- PayU – Credit Cards (Pro version) supports the following credit card types: Visa, MasterCard, JCB, Diners Club;
- PayU – Credit Cards (Pro version) supports cards token savings, allowing customers to pay the next orders without having to fill in all card info every time;
- PayU – Installments (Pro version) supports BRDFinance, StarBT, CardAvantaj and AlphaBank installment types;
- PayU – OnlineBanking [iTransfer] (Pro version) supports BCR Click24, BT24, ING Home Banking online transfers types;
- It supports test mode (PayU supports test orders and only the authorizing operation can be tested);
- It’s easy to use and administration- friendly;
- It meets Magento programming practices;
- Provides Magento Compatibility CE and EE;
- It ensures Cross-browser compatibility: IE9+, Firefox and the latest version of Chrome.
PayU Lite Magento Extension
PayU Lite is an extension built to ease the customers’ online shopping experience. Thanks to it, the customers can pay their online orders in advance, using their Visa, MasterCard, JCB or Diners Club cards.
PayU Lite comes with a series of very practical features:
- It’s an official PayU extension;
- It supports the authorization and capture of the payment;
- It supports the refunding of the payment (full or partial);
- It supports the voiding of a payment;
- It enables payment in the currency set on your e-shop;
- It allows you to enable/ disable PayU – Credit cards (Lite version) payment method;
- It supports the following credit card types: Visa, MasterCard, JCB, Diners Club;
- It supports test mode (PayU supports test orders and only the authorizing operation can be tested);
- It’s easy to use and administration-friendly;
- It meets Magento programming practices;
- Provides Magento Compatibility CE and EE;
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