New PHP Challenge by Innobyte

A few days ago, we launched a new PHP challenge.

We asked both our colleagues and Facebook community to redefine sad function in order to solve this problem and make the code work:


They found some cool and clever solutions in order to execute beAwesome() function:

Solution nr.1:

function sad() {

die(“Are you happy now ?”);



Solution nr.2

Class s


Public static c=1;

Public function stop() {}


Function sad (){

if (s::c ==1) { s::c = 2; return true; }

Else return new s()



Solution nr.3

function sad()


return false;



Solution nr.4


Class TestClass {

public static $c = 0;

public static function switchC() {

self::$c = abs(self::$c - 1);


public function stop() {

echo 'Stop! ';

return false;



function sad() {


if (TestClass::$c == 1) {

return true;


return new TestClass();


function beAwesome() {

echo 'Be awsome! :)';


if (sad() === true) {



} else {

echo 'Ooops!';



Solution nr.5


class human {

public function stop() {




function sad() {

$return = isset($GLOBALS["sad_called"]) && $GLOBALS["sad_called"] === true ? new human() : true;

$GLOBALS["sad_called"] = true;

return $return;


function beAwesome() {

print(" Who's your daddy?\n");


if (sad()===true) {





Solution nr.6



* Class Sad




class Sad



* @var boolean


protected $isSad = true;


* Stop the sadness


public function stop()


$this->isSad = false;



* Check if sad


* @return boolean


public function isSad()


return $this->isSad;




* Weird function that returns true when an object was created...


* @return boolean|Sad


function sad()


static $sad;

if ($sad instanceof Sad) {

return $sad;


$sad = new Sad();

return true;



* Method inspired by


function beAwesome()


echo PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . (sad()->isSad() ? 'awesomeness could not be started... :(' : 'awesomeness started...' ). PHP_EOL;


// actual (given) code

if (sad() === true) {





Do you have a better solution to solve this problem? Share it with us! 🙂



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