SEO and the influence of user generated content

We all know that SEO is an elaborate process that involves devotion, patience and, why not flair. Competition analysis, keywords analysis, establishing landing pages and even offline optimization require attention to details and need to be done carefully, without tricking the Google bots, but making the most out of every resource in order to get the best results.

Of course, there are some steps that need to be followed when we optimize a web site, but, just following thoroughly these steps won’t necessarily guarantee the estimated results. Every SEO specialist has an ace up his sleeve that uses in order to defeat competition. Even so, there is a certain point where the efforts of SEO specialists cease and begins the influence of the uncertain online environment.

An important issue to be taken into account, according to a article, is the influence of user generated content on SEO results. Google+ is further more proof of the fact that Google values more and more the input of users when it indexes, ranks and presents relevant info to consumers.

The reviews and comments of users about a certain web site, the links towards them, all of these elements influence SEO results, as the infamous +1 button, that most web sites incorporated and is being five more and more importance by Google, also does, such as we foresaw in a previous article.

Thus, the solution for a great SEO almost writes itself: besides the classic steps that should be followed, it’s highly important for the web sites to improve and increase the reviews and comments of their clients. What would Steve Jobs think about UGC for Google?

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